
For the Love of Benjamine
© 2013 by Marta May
Interactive eBook PDF: $17.00 USD
Paperback: $20.00 USD
A happily ending story about chronic abuse and domestic violence. A woman’s fight to gain safety and freedom for herself and her son, forever!
Marta May was a YWCA volunteer community advocate and taught high school age classes about teen dating violence. She is a retired after 40 years of owning a catering company called Champagne Taste Caterers. She is a “slow-foods” organic produce and herbs grower.
Her abusive husband was the “last thin mint” in a life often touched by abuse. She rebelled because the alternative was either the death of one of the family members, or her son growing up normalizing the abuse, and that was unacceptable. After a vicious attack, she signed the paperwork to get a restraining order against her ex-husband and filed for divorce. During the 2½ years that it took to regain her freedom, she traveled through the very gates of hell, but emerged victorious.
Marta’s purpose for writing this book is so that others can either leave abusive relationships, or educate themselves enough so that they will never get caught up in one in the first place.
"If I can raise awareness against abuse I will feel that my life — with its beauty and its tragedies — has been worth living. There is a bright and shining life after abuse!"
One dollar from the sale of each book or interactive PDF (complete with links to helpful organizations) will be donated to:
Sonoma County YWCA Women’s Shelter & Pre-School
24 Hour Hotline: (707) 546-1234

Cuando Sali de Cuba (When I Left Cuba)
© 2013 by Marta May
Interactive eBook PDF: $17.00 USD
Paperback: $20.00 USD
Marta May's family had a great life in Cuba until Castro took over the government on January 1, 1959. She left Cuba with her parents and brother at the age of twelve. They arrived in the United States on June 28, 1968 after emigrating through Mexico. None of them spoke English. While Marta's story is one of many, it needed to be shared to dispel the myths about the Cuban Regime's merits. Many families have been forced into exile — some have survived — some were not so lucky.
Marta wrote this book to educate all those who were duped by the Castro regime's propaganda about "all the great things Fidel has done for Cuba, or the Cuban failure was all caused by the embargo"" Her father was in hiding until 1967 when he left by an act of God and nature. This is Marta's story.

Lost in the Valley of the Apples: Alzheimer’s and Beyond
© 2019 by Marta May
Interactive eBook PDF: $22.00 USD
Paperback: $25.00 USD
Carmen Trinidad Vega Cardenes was a beautiful and intelligent woman. In her lifetime she earned a dual doctorate, and yet Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia reduced her mind and body to rubble.
This novel is a memoir constructed from her daughter, Marta May’s, diary entries and letters spanning the four years from diagnosis to her last breath. It chronicles Marta’s interactions with medical staff and her legal struggles while helping her mother die peacefully.
Five dollars from the sale of each book will be donated to Alzheimer's patient's families.