Devastating mass shooting take place too often. They take the lives of innocent people. Gun control comes to everyone's mind. I started thinking that of course, we need to make sure that guns do not reach the hands of the wrong people, but who are the wrong people? How do we weed them out?.................
It is my humble opinion that any employer or organization should start by having absolutely no tolerance for "bullying" or any kind of abuse on their turf. It should start at schools. So many times we blow off complains of children and young adults being the subject of bullying or ridicule. We can start there. But what about other organizations? We need to establish policies of absolutely no tolerance! We need to also let people know that it is not OK to make fun of others. It is not OK to manipulate. It is not OK to lie about others. People also need to feel safe and protected while registering a complaint of being abused...They need to be heard! Employers need to take such complaints seriously. Every organization should have a department in charge of acknowledging people's complaints...Human Resources.
We need to report any possibility of a person acting in a manner that could prove potentially dangerous to themselves or others. Psychological abuse and intimidation are red flags.
What is Abuse? Abuse can be Physical, Emotional (Mental and Verbal), Psychological, Sexual, Unwanted Touching, Financial (Economic), Spiritual, Digital (through the use of modern technology) and any other kind that is not based on mutual respect, trust and equality.
What does the abuser want? The abuser wants power and control over their victims...resulting in isolation, fear, low self steam, loss of income, and forcing the victim to give up what they love or need.
Abuse damages people. Abuse causes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It could start at home, or at school, or at work, and years later manifest into a hatred of anyone who might trigger a response.
We can minimize it by listening. We can help by teaching children at an early age KINDNESS towards other human beings. None of us is "Perfect" and "Perfect" is subjective. There is no such thing as "Perfect." There is no such thing as "Control." We are all one. We all have the same needs.